This is Goblin the RoboDogman. RoboDogmen were created in the old days when war hadn't been universally banned yet. Originally created as reconnaissance agents and mindless assassins, these robots have been decommissioned and given their freedom. Loyal and hard working, many of the RoboDogmen decided to seek out human companionship and dedicate themselves to protecting their new families.
Goblin is a junk collector. He likes to comb the scrap lots and old cities to see what he can bring back. He goes into areas that are still poisoned and dangerous to humans to seek out equipment and parts that can still be used. Goblin really hates being decontaminated after these trips but it's worth it to him. He's got a very positive attitude, sometimes to the point of being a bit of a Pollyanna... but he's usually looked to for advice and hope.
Goblin's slightly translucent head , feet and hands glow in the dark after a quick charge in UV light!
This 1/6 scale 12" tall figure is built around a pre-existing blank poseable body. I sculpted the head, hands , feet and backpack and then cast them in urethane. Each custom cast part is hand painted and sealed. The clothing , canister and military bags were bought new but then painted and dyed to look aged. The small light on his belt can be lit by twisting the top. Battery pack can be removed to replace batteries. Bottles and purple pendant glow in the dark. Goblin is a one of a kind figure, he can be played with and enjoyed but please do treat him with care.
The weathered can that Goblin sits on and poses with was made by Andrew Fogel.
If the feet pop off, they will pop right back on. While the hands and feet can be removed, please do not attempt to remove their clothing or other gear- you may ruin the piece.
This one of a kind art piece will come with a signed tag.